Gun Girl Stationery is Here

Daily Snaps | August 23, 2021

I love this community and you so much. 🥰 Thank you for making the #StyleMeStationery release a big success. My heart is beyond full and grateful.

My first love and passion will always be to help you live a stylish and self-reliant lifestyle and create content that helps you do that. At the same time, I also love to create limited goods for you, for us, for this community.

This launch has taken over my life these past two months. 🤣 I finally feel like I can come up for air and get back to what I love doing and that is creating content that helps and inspires women.

I’ve got a lot coming up with SMT that I can’t wait to share with you. I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate you.

Love y'all so much xo. Em 🖤

You can shop the #StyleMeStationery here.