Tales of a Law Enforcement Wife


Welcome to the #stylemecommunity Megan. Thank you for sharing your story with us.

Name: Megan | Idaho | Connect: Instagram @sawtooth_wordsmith; http://www.sawtoothwordsmith.com

I was raised by a single mom in the 80's in a city that was basically a liberal indoctrination camp—very pro-victim, very anti-guns. Before I moved out of that area I survived an abusive relationship, a home invasion, and two muggings. I still never took a single self-defense class or even considered my own personal safety as something that was in my control. Somehow I got through all those things without feeling like a victim, thank God.

I had gone shooting with my dad growing up, so even as hard as my mom tried to scare me away from guns, I was still comfortable around them.

It wasn't truly until I married a man in law enforcement that I ever considered my own safety a priority. My husband got me training and helped push me to get my concealed carry. Becoming a mom really changed my entire perspective on safety. With my husband dealing mainly with violent criminals, our family's safety is something that's front and center in my mind all the time. And I take the role of mama bear very seriously.

We teach our kids about gun safety, situational awareness, and personal responsibility, and they know that both mommy and daddy will protect them no matter what.

I try to be a good 2A ambassador to my mom and her anti-gun friends. I do my best to explain to them that being self-reliant is one of the most empowering things a woman can do. And I try to point other women who are curious or nervous in the right direction to learn, because I think understanding is the antidote to fear.


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Style Me CommunityEmily V.