Being a Women is Your Asset

Daily Snaps | July 6, 2021

Own being a woman and use that as an asset in your concealed carry life.

When we start carrying our self-consciousness levels tend to go up because there is suddenly a new set of rules to live by, new considerations we have to take, new lingo to learn, and this new heightened awareness that you are carrying a gun.

Sometimes this heightened awareness can feel like paranoia especially when you take those first steps out the door and carry in public for the first time.

I totally felt that way. I thought for sure that EVERYONE knew I was carrying a gun. That they could either see it on my face or worse, on my body.

Did you feel the same?

What I soon realized and what you will too is that no one can tell and most people wouldn’t expect you to be carrying.

You have one of the best assets to help solidify this and that is YOU ARE A WOMEN.

No one is going to expect that you’re carrying, that you’re training with your gun (that is 💯 important), and that you are ready to defend yourself or your loved ones.

The unexpectedness of carrying and being a woman gets reinforced in the way we dress, as we don’t fit the preconceived notion that people have of a woman who is carrying a gun.

So lift your head up, be confident in yourself and your new found self-reliance, and own being a woman.

And if you have questions or need some help there is a huge article on SMT that breaks down dressing for concealed carry that you need to read (link in bio). It’s packed with so much great info so you don’t have to sacrifice your style to be self-reliant.

You know I believe in that wholeheartedly and I’m always here to help you.

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