Empowered by the 2nd Amendment


Welcome to the #stylemecommunity Kyla. Thank you for sharing your story with us.

Name: Kyla | Stark City, MO | Connect: Instagram | Facebook

Hi I am Kyla, I am 18 years old, I have lived in the country my whole life , and I love photography, event planning, and animals! I grew up around firearms and was taught from a very young age how to respect them! The thought of concealed carry always seemed so cool but honestly I thought it was something that women didn’t really do until this past year. I mean yeah, my family would talk about it and I had several family members that had it but they never actively carried. I thought it was something that I would get and then basically never even use, kind of a “I got it just to get it” kind of thing.

I remember growing up and hearing as a kid that the government was trying to take away our firearms and trying to regulate which ones we could have, and seeing in other countries that they are ACTUALLY taking them away got me fired up!

One of the stupidest arguments that you hear all the time about this topic is “if we get rid of guns we get rid of crime.” Since when do criminals follow laws…umm never! The only people “gun control” affects are law abiding citizens who are trying to protect themselves if need be and the people around them! Not only is it for protection but it is our American right and freedom that countless have fought and died to protect and preserve. “The right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed…” And we’re just going to give that up? I don’t think so! So there is the first reason that made me wants to get my CCW!

The second is obviously protection. As women we are for the most part naturally smaller than men and I am so sick and tired of our country victimizing everyone especially women and making it seem cool to be one! Instead of victimizing females we should empower them and teach them how to protect themselves! And on the flip side we should be teaching men how to be men and that they will be held accountable for their actions.

Concealed carrying is so empowering to women and I think we should teach young women that you can protect yourselves and you don’t have to be a victim!



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